
Stand up!!

We think this was partially driven by her bringing on Jennifer Lopez, who is at the center of the highly-publicized American Idol judges story; in fact, they rescheduled what sounds like an utterly boring show on hair (yes, hair!) to accommodate Ms. Lopez. We think they did this in response to the ratings slide after Monday (remember, by Thursday, Katie was pulling just a 1.7, a rather sad number for a show of this ‘stature.’) The hair program that had originally been scheduled to air Friday is now slated for Wednesday.

Finally, let us remember that on Friday, ABC and other networks broke into regular programming with a Special News Report. In the Eastern Time Zone, the report interrupted the last half of GH, as they broke in at around 2:30 ET. Continuing reportage may have spilled over into Katie’s slot. Those who were still tuned in from the GH slot, and/or were following the news coverage, certainly would have artificially inflated the Katie rating for Friday. And since Katie is syndicated, the news report can certainly have interrupted Katie in other time zones, as well, affecting the outcome of her total rating.

So in short – I don’t think we ought to draw any quick conclusions from Katie’s managing to salvage some numbers, based on this full-week average. Week Two is bound to look a lot different. Please continue to tune out Katie, and urge your fellow fans to do the same, and to continue spreading the word.

Please tell fans to remember just who it was who hired Katie: Brian Frons. And evidence is clear that he axed AMC and OLTL to facilitate Katie’s extravagant $80 million launch, replacing our soaps with cheap filler such as The Chew and The Revolution. The legacy of Brian Frons is not over until every last one of his sad, twisted schemes bites the dust.

And on that note, today we will be contacting 2 of the top 4 ABC owned affiliates, NY and Chicago and the top non ABC owned affiliate, Dallas.
They had some of the most horrid ratings for KC so they have to be a little nervous! We need these folks to start standing up to TPTB and It starts with this show!! And bringing ours back!

So please take a moment and send the message below by BCC’ing the contacts below, thank you!!


Please use message as is:

Disney decided to cancel AMC and OLTL in order to create cheaper shows that they felt would still bring in decent ratings.
Well The Revolution tanked and it was a good thing that GAA was only temporary as it stunk too.
The Chew is limping along but definitely not stellar television.
Now they decided that shelling out over $80 million to get Katie Couric’s new show going would be a great idea.
How are you liking your ratings for her show?
When will you start standing up to the people making these decisions and fight back?
The viewers have told you what we want in letters, calls, and most importantly ratings.
Please fight as we want our shows and you want your ratings.
Together we can make this happen!

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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All My Children & One Life to Live rise again!!

The day AMC & OLTL air on Hulu, Hulu+ and iTunesApril 29, 2013
The big day is here. grab your popcorn and saddle up folks the shows are about to start!!

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